Things have been crazy on my end, as usual. I'm trying to get everything wrapped up here at OSU before I push off, but my motivation is severely lacking. I have every reason to procrastinate -- my distractions are the best a young lad could have: a wonderful (see also: beautiful) woman, a wonderful (see also: fun) website for making mixtapes, a wonderful (see also: dangerous) hobby of making stencils and not-so-wonderful (see also: tedious) jobs.

For memorial weekend, I went home to visit the friends, the family and the woman. It was simply splendid. Not a care in the world, it was the first time that I completely let go of all of my 'obligations' -- I didn't even check my e-mail once. Amazing. I didn't get to see everyone on my list, but still, pretty fucking good trip.

I'm back at school now and it's taken me two days to write the above two paragraphs -- I’ve been that busy. All my classes are working my ass right up until the end, which kind of makes me sad. It's getting so nice and warm in this town and I'm usually cooped up in some windowless room basking in the cold light of a LCD monitor. Bullshit. Actually, over the mini-break, I crossed paths with a face from my past. He wanted to know if I had gone 'veggie' since I was 'so skinny.' I told him no. He said 'you're fucking pale too; you look like a ghost.'

Sometimes, I wish I could keep these people in the subconscious corners of my mind.

That said, today the most disgusting thing happened to me. I have been gagging on the thought of it all day.

Around 6am I wake up suddenly. My ear feels a bit strange, as if someone has just given me a wet Willy. I stick my finger in there, but feel nothing. I realize I was probably dreaming, feel stupid and then try to go back to sleep. As I'm lying there, I hear this sound -- it sounds like someone is sloshing water around. It's loud. It's a very eerie sound, but the worst part -- it's coming from inside my head.

I flip shit a little bit, sit up quick and quickly think of all the things that it could be -- shattered ear drum, spinal fluid collecting on my brain, cancer, herpes, whatever. I'm wide-awake and just sitting there, shaking my head, trying to get that sound to happen again. I can't reproduce it. I figure it was a freak accident, but decide to swab my ear out, just in case. The swab comes out negative. Thus, I try to sleep again.

As I'm walking back, I hear that noise again. It's terrible. It tears through me. I get really freaked out now, a bit of panic flows over me, I feel flushed. I shake my head around, but nothing. I lay back down in bed, figuring there's not much I can do for my broken head at 6am. I roll on my side and feel something tickle my ear a bit. I lift my head up and what do I find sitting there on my pillow?


A silverfish had crawled *deep* within my ear as I slept.

That's fucked up.

REALLY fucked up.

At least it came out, right?

It's almost my bed time, but me and my silverfish-free ears will be judging the annual OSU Battle of the Bands on Friday. Should be a blast. Out very own Darrin is the brains and brawn behind the operation. What a cool guy. He's kind of my hero. A sexy hero, at that.

I love you all.

Wrap it up.


Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am

Nine comments

That's horrific. I don't know whether to slap you for sharing or hug you for surviving. Either/or, man...jesus.
sarah c.
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
so this one time when i was out in the field during basic training, i woke up to a noise like that... couldn't figure out how in the hell i would get water in my ear in the middle of summer in south carolina when i hadn't showered or seen rain in three days. turns out it was a red ant who was poking around in my head. i freaked out. very unnerving feeling, i know. at least it didn't bite me...
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
That's nothing (see Guinea Worm):

Keep breathing Eraq, I feel for you. I don't think I'll have any "time to myself" until June 17th; then it will be drunken . . .
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
i think i just threw up a little bit in my mouth
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
Dude. Summer. Sixth grade. Camping trip.

A beetle flew into my ear. I had to ride for two hours in a car while two of the guys I was with drove me to a hospital to get the bug(ger) out.
Jon K
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
It was a little bit more brawn than brains this year - my Sunday was spent stacking 600 fucking feet of chain link fencing BY MYSELF. Icky.

But I am a sexy hero.
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
Thats gross as hell dogg.
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
2 days ago my friend revealed this exact sequence to me as his worst nightmare. needless to say i promptly forwarded your story in his direction. and congrats on the graduate status!
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am
tsk tsk eric.... shouldn't have taken your earphones out!
Wednesday 31 May 2006 at 02:36 am


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