when i was little i used to want to fall off my bike and break my nose so that i'd have to get reconstructive surgery and just get a nose job, since i hate my nose and all.

brian and i were joking once and he said that if we ever broke up he'd kick me in the face. that way we can avoid the whole long drawn out conversation and the back and forth and the "it's not you, it's me" and all the other blah blah blah. and then maybe my nose would break and i could get that rhinoplasty i always wanted, and it'd be like his little breakup gift for me.

he really should have just gone with the kick in the face. it probably would have hurt a lot less.



Saturday 29 April 2006 at 08:34 am

One comment

You have a fine nose. Don't let anyone kick your face. And people can be idiots, I guess. But you have a fine nose.
sarah c.
Saturday 29 April 2006 at 08:34 am


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