Sunday nights at 10pm pacific time is the world famous(someone in Japan listens) Three Halfs of Fun radio show starring Myself, Bearded Jon, and Jeryl. If you don't check it oout you will always wonder what my voice sounds like so just listen already, before you spend all those sleepless nights pondering untill next sunday. Whew.

It will work this time. Oh, and if you like music that can be seen on TV, you are out of luck.We play silly things. Not like wierd al, but things we made up, aloong with a tasteful blend of everything awesome. A pinch of standup comedy, and smidgen of jenga and lincoln logs. Feel free to call us up, I don't remember the number but I will say it on the air untill someone calls.......

Yep, that's me

True Story from the Future

Leo was not happy
He was down on his luck
He had lost 7 bets in a row
And not just any bets. Big bets
He had been wagering on the weather
He had been wagering with Lom Lombardo, retired drill sargeant
He had been wagering that it was going to be cold and rainy
Being winter in the pacific northwest, this seemed like a lock
Lombardo, playing on a hunch, and money he stole from the same chinese prostitute in every war, bet on warm clear days
It just so happened that lombardo bet that on the only week of winter that was warm and clear
Leo figuring he'd sheistered an old man, bet money he didn't have
A lot of money
70,000 dollars in fact
He was at a loss as to what to do, but, he figured that being yelled at called a faggot for a couple of hours by an old army man
Couldn't Be That Bad
So he didn't try paying up
Little did he know, Lombardo had saved George W. 's life a few years back and owed Lom a favore or two
Lom called the president, fresh off his Prostitute-killing-spree/Vacation in China/Dominican Republic.
Lom asked him if he could help him solve the problem.
W told lom not to worry about a thing
Mr. president called the LAPD's swat team
And had them go to Leo's house/cardboard box
They surrounded leo in a circle
They opened fire on leo
They shot leo 1,483 times in the anus and genitalia
While also shooting each other
The last surviving SWAT member, whille injured, decided to finish the job
In the name of america
He dove on top of leo's lifeless lump of body and shoved a grenade in leo's toothless mouth
Right before everything exploded, the swat member screamed "HONOR!!!"
And everything did explode
Including the daycare for special children that leo had set his box up next to
Bush flew in and assured everyone that the swat members would get a heroes burial "for dying while protecting the homeland"
The families of the children who parished, he said, would be given a three hundred dollar check and the highest quality christmas tree as restitution
The only part of leo that was found was his bullet-ridden ass
Lom lombardo said he wanted it sent to him
So he could act out all his deprived sexual fantasies with it
But the president called first turns
Then the president killed more prostitutes and rewarded himself by eating some cake and go-gurt, peeing his pants, getting trahed, and re-electing himself for another term, and listening to "Fuck Off" by the Frogs over and over


Radio Show fer Realz or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Murder City Rocks My Legs


Sunday 25 January 2004 at 1:13 pm

Three comments

sweet jesus i love you een.
Sunday 25 January 2004 at 1:13 pm
yay, now I can finally sleep ;)
Sunday 25 January 2004 at 1:13 pm
great show beanie. i
Sunday 25 January 2004 at 1:13 pm


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