in statue form, my father almost looks graceful.

School is destroying my soul. Things have gotten so incredibly out of hand in terms of my workload, I don't even know how to cope. Only the fourth week and I'm already fighting to keep my head above water. At least I don't have mono, right?

Besides school, not too much has been going on in my life. My douchebag roommate forgot to pay the gas bill, so for three days this week we didn't have any hot water. It was dreadful. A cold shower so frigid that it physically hurts -- that's a shitty way to start your day. I refused to shave during the days with no hot water, it was the longest I've gone in a long time -- I looked homeless. Kind of.

Speaking of homeless people -- the bums are back in our garage. I heard some noise the other day and went to investigate. They were smoking pot out of a crumpled-up beer can. Just like we used to do in highschool. Oh, silly bums, don't you know that inhaling aluminum gives you Alzheimer's? I don't want to call the cops on them, but they don't really seem to listen to any reason. At least they aren't peeing in there -- at least I don't think they are.

Ms. Kim came up for a lightning visit last weekend. It was good getting to spend some time with her. We've been apart for so long that it's almost like starting over. Passion is for teenagers and immigrants -- I kind of feel like a teenager again. It's nice. Really nice. Just what my wooden heart needed.

I can't stop listening to The Dismemberment Plan. I've had the whole album, Emergency & I, stuck in my head for the last month. The new album by The Advantage, Elf Titled is really badassed too.

I'm in the computer lab and a guy just walked by with full-sleeve tribal tattoos -- porn-star style.

the Mixtape Collective is coming along swimmingly. It looks gorgeous. Corey is a fucking PHP god, I'm in awe of his skill. Soon we'll be open for initial beta testing -- y'all are invited.

Much love. Enjoy the weekend.

Killing Time


Friday 03 February 2006 at 3:29 pm

Five comments

1. That is the coolest statue ever
2. Punch the bums in the nards, thats how i get them to leave me alone on BROADWAY.
Friday 03 February 2006 at 3:29 pm
best knock on wood, eric, or you might get mono... it's not the goods.
Friday 03 February 2006 at 3:29 pm
If real babies had angry stone faces I might be tempted to procreate. And ice showers were good enough for the vikings, Feigner. The VIKINGS.
sarah c.
Friday 03 February 2006 at 3:29 pm
Hey DK!
You should listen to "THE POD" by WEEN while you have mono! The whole thing was recorded while DEAN WEEN had mono and there is even a song called mononucleosis. Oh, and they, also, huffed a bunch of SCOTCHGUARD while making it, also.
Friday 03 February 2006 at 3:29 pm
I'll second that, A L L THAT!
Friday 03 February 2006 at 3:29 pm


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