I wake at nine-thirty (am).
My work meeting started at nine (am).
I went to bed at 6 (am).
I drank whiskey and pabst for 7 hours before that (at the Boiler Room and KATESTERS house)


I was obviously still drunk. I call one of my managers on his cell and I tell him Ill be right there. He isnt mad at me because he was out all night drinking with me. I throw on my clothes and bound out of my apartment.

I feel sick and confused. I forgot my glasses.

Now you haven't lived untill you have smoked a cigerette while sprinting across downtown portland. I was amazed with myself the whole time.

I go stumbling into work and have to fill out some employee survey about how much fun it is to work at a movie theatre, etc, etc. I start talking about something in the meeting and Jarvis attacks me right there in front of everybody. But it ends up okay because I told everyone I fell down the stairs. Why he attacked me Ill never know.

After eating breakfast at the CHEERFULL TORTOISE w/ Jarvis, I go home, take a shower, and run to go help another one of my co-workers, SIGGY, on a music video shoot.

I worked on the video for this band.

In case you couldn't get this from their site, they are a GOTHMETAL band. Unsurprisingly, I found out that they are FUCKING HUGE in Germany. Before I found that out, I was thinking that they looked like an Italian GothMetal band. The lead singer is a huge bitch and desperately wants to replicate APC-style Maynard, all the way down to how he sings. He played an 8-string fretless bass also. The other guitarist/screamer looked like reminded me of one of the mupppets and he was the more laid back one of the band. In between takes he would jam out his renditions Mary Had a Little Lamb, Hot Cross Buns, and Enter Sandman. All the other band people would get mad at him and he would laugh. The keyboard guy was playing a guitar in the video, something that us crew guys didn't understand. My favorite was the drummer. This guy looked like he should have been in MANOWAR. Plus his BADASS look he would do while he was playing was the fuckin funnniest thing ever. He would be looking all hardcore and then in between takes he would be giggling, and dropping stuff, and singing silly little songs. Everyone treatewd him like the lttle brother and they were always telling him to do shit. He didn't seem to care like it happens all of the time.

Mixed with the circus that was in front of the camera was the circus within the crew. The Director looked (an awfull lot) like Nick Oliveri, some guy shaped like Mr. Potatohead who was wearing STAR TREK clothes, the other director was a chick and would whine about everything, a lighting guy named after a gay magician who's partner is ROY, and some other guy who SLIPPED ON SOMEONES SANDWICH THAT WAS ON THE FLOOR(!) AND FELL OFF THE STAGE. When the video is done being edited, I'll post it.

On the bands page, the pictures of the band only have two of the people who are still in it, but you should be able to figure out who the singer is (the APC MAYNARD-type) and the drummer is the blond silly one.

If you want to here a sample of the song I had to hear about 100 times its on the audio page, but here it is also.



Monday 30 January 2006 at 12:29 am

Two comments

Nicodemus is my new favourite band.
Monday 30 January 2006 at 12:29 am
Hey remember Orgy? Those sillies!
Monday 30 January 2006 at 12:29 am


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