I believe I may be turning into one of the corporate junkies that eats, breathes, thinks work at all times.  It's been hectic times, and with 22.8 hours of overtime on my last check, I can't barely see anything except PrimePay.  Case and point is as follows:

Aaron and I had a small apartment shindig the weekend before last.  We invited family, our few friends (I think two?!?), and had a hell of a time.  I was well soused even before the company arrived.  Aaron did the honors of investing in a half gallon of vodka a couple days previous (which he hit hard the night before) and which I drowned myself in that evening.

My parents came over and I was the stunning, drunken host.  Actually, my parents claimed that I was very quiet that night.  I was probably calculating manual checks in my head.  Damned PrimePay.

I went to bed without telling anyone at about 1:30 am.  Company was still present, but I was damned tired and more drunk.  When my pal Melissa came and checked on me, she asked me if I needed anything.  You know my retort?

"Can you check and make sure the W2's get in the envelope?"

A similar situation happened when Aaron asked me if I was alright a little later.  When he asked me if he could help me out of my clothes for bed, I told him: 

"Aaron, I'm really not into that trainswat right now."

"What?"  he stated blankly.


"What are you talking about, Jessi?"

"You know the word Train?"


"You know the word Swat?"



Wtf?  Too bad trainswat is too long to use in a scrabble game.  Job loves scrabble.



Tuesday 20 January 2004 at 11:28 am

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