fifth straight night without really any sleep.
Insomnia sucks
I wanna puke, I'm watching MTV, hoping it will put me to sleep.
It's making me sick instead. I hate TV. Some guy is singing about how great Jessica Simpson is(because she's really smart). Goddammit. I got fuckin plastered last night and I still couldn't sleep. Even after walking across town twice.
Oh jesus, Kid Rock is singing "Feel like Makin Love" now, I've got get rid of this.
Just a sec..... Ok, I feel a little less puke-ish. Fuck MTV up its stupid goddamn ass. I remember back in the day when they would play bands like CROWBAR and TOOL on the air regularly. Now it's just fucked up shit. I hope everyone in the world turns into Paris Hilton. That way, hopefully, the world will explode and we can all start over on some hot spicy planet. I don't fuckin know.

I just want some sleep.
I've always been a light sleeper, but this is rediculous. 5 nights? 7 hours of sleep? WTF?
Maybe I should change my lifestyle. Yeah Ill keep drinking all the time and smoking, and eating pizza nonstop. But now instead of doing a radio show every Sunday, posting on the net, going to work, and making videos, I'll listen to Eiffel 65 and Le Bouche while constantly watching wierd internet porn. All the time. Maybe I'l mix it up with watching downloaded Friends episodes while listening to 311 and any sort of Pop Punk, the shittier the better. I should cut my hair and shave of my wierd beardgoatthing. Ill start working out, and I'll buy a Honda Civic. A '97. Fuck Yeah. That will be sweet. I'll TRICK IT OUT with all the chinese dragon decals and seatcovers I can find. I'll even start wearing shirts with those irresistably dudical dragons on them. I'll drink Big Gulps nonstop. But I'll spike them with wine coolers. That's what would give me my street cred. I'll start playing videogames all the time and participate in "Tournaments". Hopefully one of these days I'll make it to the finals and play against Method Man. Fuck Jay-Z.

Where the FUCK is Biz Markie?

What if everyone watches so many shitty videos on MTV that they start moving in that annoying slow-motion-to-fast-motion thing that the videos do. Since they've already started replicating everything else in videos why not that? I hope it becomes the new hot trend of the year. The next Crip Walk. What could the Slow-to-Fast motion thing be called? Hhhhmmmm.
How about "The Matrix".
Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me. My insides are like silly puddy. My brains are like beef stroganoff. Where am I? Are you my Family? Is this my House?
Maybe I should try to smoke some pot. But that's illegal. Damn. I'd probably be able to sleep, if a certain plant that grows naturally wasn't illegal. Maybe, i'll just walk down to the minute market and by some BRAND X brand sleeping pills, or some cough syrup, the way mother nature intended. Rant Rant Rant.
Fuck, now Im watching Magic School Bus.
Fuckin Insomnia!

Much Luck,

INSOMNIA is Not as Exciting as it is in Fight Club


Friday 16 January 2004 at 08:07 am

One comment

funniest post ever.
Friday 16 January 2004 at 08:07 am


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