"searching for any port when i see the storm comming"

i spent the weekend at the coast with 16 other RAs. it's amazing how these 16 people have their own little sub-cliques. it's also amazing at how fucking different and out of place i feel. oh well. for fun, i walked on the beach and played trivial pursuit for almost 3 hours. i won. i always win. i don't accept anything less.


for my anthropology class we had to come up with a list of 10 protest songs (protesting anything). i love assignments like this. i sat here, listening to my library, digging through albums i havn't listened to in ages. here's what i came up with (still "in-progress"):

refused - protest song '68
aesop rock - 9-5ers anthem
sage francis - makeshift patriot
international noise conspiracy - smash it up
jeff buckley - the sky is a landfill
woodstock - joni mitchell
elvis costello and the attractions - radio radio
frank zappa - i am the slime
tool - aenima
karate - original spies

i didn't want to pick any of the standards, the marley, the dylan, etc.

what? do you have any suggestions?


but yeah, things are going good, school is going to be hard. i havn't really gotten into the 'groove' yet, i'm putting it off as long as possible.

on that note, i'm off to watch the rest of 'scarface' and pass out.



Monday 12 January 2004 at 01:35 am

Three comments

Know Your Rights - The Clash
I Fought the Law - Dead Kennedys
Blueprint - Fugazi
When Will Thhey Shoot? - Ice Cube
Well that's all im giving you
Monday 12 January 2004 at 01:35 am
vote with a bullet-corrosion of conformity
people suck-toxic narcotic
biotech is godzilla-sepultura
...the list goes on and on...
Monday 12 January 2004 at 01:35 am
hoz qbout some john frushanti desolve oe will to death, some thing like that
jon r
Monday 12 January 2004 at 01:35 am


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