I saw Subtle at the Doug Fir last night. It was outrageous. You know that feeling in your pelvis you get when you get hit in the balls? It was the polar opposite, but with the same reaction of falling on the ground, moaning and not being able to stand up for a period of aq time. Going to the show all alone was a bummer, and it made me really realize how much I miss all of you. I walked to go meet my girlfriend at a bar called the Shanghai Tunnel and as I crossed the burnside bridge, I looked over the River and the lights of the city and I realized how much I like Portland and how I look forward to exploring it more. At the very least there are about 20 more strip clubs to check out.

Speaking of being hit in the balls, one thing that gave me the actual feeling of a football to the groin was watching the movie Constantine, or as I will refer to it from now on:
The gayest movie of all-time or Hell-Matrix or Church-Matrix

You can tell that they were trying really hard to make it good, but it was absolutely unable to tell a coherant story. I was in the mood to watch a bad movie, but it needed Vin Deisel in it to get to the Good/Bad level I was looking for. And to think about it a little, that would have made the movie so fucking awesome. The one bright spot was Peter Stormare as the devil. I thought he was well cast.

I saw a trailer for Sin City and it looks bad-anal.
A stripper gave me panties.
ps. This guy was also in constantine(he was a bad guy, but I don't understand what he did that was bad):

Constantine, Subtle, and the Burnside Bridge


Saturday 19 February 2005 at 5:59 pm

One comment

" . . . I should fly to Las Angeles, find my asshole brother."
I think I've seen that drawing of the Bush dude in every one of my art classes since Middle School.
I'm soooooo glad you saw the show buddy, you were on our minds at the W.O.W.
Saturday 19 February 2005 at 5:59 pm


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