Well i did go to amsterdam, i was afraid to but for no reason. everone here speaks english, everone, as a second langague. it is crazy. they seem to be nice, not out of their way nice, but smiling down the sidewalk. everyone rides bikes. and there are shitloads of hot girls. shitloads. on this matter i did go to the red light distric, not at night though. not hot. kind of scary gross. i met a guy from scotland. he was soo cool. alan. very hard to understand his acent though. he gave me a lot of ideas for places to go. smaller towns with acient ruiens. i may follow this advice. i am enjoying learning about history in the places i go. today i went to a university exibition or museum. with artifacts of egypt, middleeast, roman, greek and other cultures. and read about them there. it was cool. i also went to rembrants house/ museum. it was very cool. there are a lot of artistic people who have come from the netherlands area. picasso too i think. i want to go see anne franks house where she hid from the natzis. i have begun to make a plan befor going out too. this is much smarter. in paris i just walked around obvlious, with no direction in mind until my legs were killing me. it sucked. eating from the grocery store is a trick i picked up, while totally simple it never dawned on me. way cheeper. in amsterdam they eat a lot of processed food. i got some fruit cracker/cookies that are really good for desert. and these fruit juice things that arent refridgerated. lots of crackers too. i think this is for fiber, fiberrich. because fruit is expensive. it really isn't much more north than paris though, and paris fruit was in abundence. i wouldn't mind going to duch land (i forget the name) oh yea denmark. probably where this idology comes from. there seems to be much more of an acceptance to modernerty than i have here. i wnat to go to rotterdam in the netherlands too. the guide book says hypermodern and asking the world why the hell not? basically i have begun to warm up to my travels. jet lag is almost warn off, but not quite. and i bought a watch yesterday, which will be helpful. i am still do sure what day it is. wendsday? i have been writing a lot too, this is why i am rambeling. say whatevery you think it is all important. i will probaby stay here for a while more.
peace out, and peace on...motherfuckers. oh and there is a film museum here and lots of focus on movies. very cool.

it gets darker in light but lighter in dark


Wednesday 02 February 2005 at 10:32 am

Two comments

JON so happy you are warming to your travels.my pray,s are with you.all is good at home. Tim and jill wish you well LOVE U ROBR
Wednesday 02 February 2005 at 10:32 am
Raby- I am glad you are visiting some supr sweet places. I just got done writing a paper about cherokee indians and I wish I was checking out sweet museums and the red light district. I know you are going to learn something out of the whole experiance. Just keep your eyes open and brain in your head, and you'll do great. I LOVE YOU
Wednesday 02 February 2005 at 10:32 am


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