whenever i'm bored, and i mean really bored, i always look around urbandictionary.com.

this time, i was folowing one of the referer links, it seems that we net quite a few hits from people searching google with the keywords 'hairy jessi'. one of the results there, among this page, is the urban dictionary definition of 'jessi.'

this thing is uncanny. it speaks the truth:

arron (job) - A legend among men and women, confident and funny, smart and intelligent. A people person

debbie - no definition ;/

eric - A young male that can fit normally in to all social groups that matter. Like skater/punk/goth/artist.

ian - a little far fetched who commits first degree murders who is an identical twin of Colin Powell

jessi - A person that people try to be like but can't cause she is alwayz changing her game

dag yo.



Wednesday 07 January 2004 at 7:39 pm

Two comments

so does this mean that i'm such an incredibly unique individual that i cannot be defined?
Wednesday 07 January 2004 at 7:39 pm
According to ubran dictionary:
Jarrett-a vagina with a yeast infection

"sally is going to have her jarrett looked at"

'nuff said
Wednesday 07 January 2004 at 7:39 pm


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