is it impossible for me to find compatable roommates? honestly, what is wrong with me? because this is three years in a row now that i'm getting screwed in my living situation, and not in the way anyone wants to be.

i was gone all summer. i didn't live there. i felt bad sticking her with the full amount of rent because i felt like joining the army (even though she knew before we even signed the contract i wouldn't be living there this summer). i agree to give her $150 a month since my stuff is there. our third roommate agrees to throw down like $200 for the summer.

my mom calls roommate to find out when to send june's rent, and she tells my mom to send $300... a full half of the total rent, what i usually pay when i actually live there.

so for june, july and august, when i should have given her $450 total, she got $900. plus the money from our third roommate. so she was paying less than half, and she was the only one living there.

i found this out last night. and now she wants me to pay for january, too, when i'm leaving a week into the month for ecuador. the way i see it, she owes me $450.

wtf??? will i ever find someone i can live with?

three years and going strong...


Tuesday 28 December 2004 at 11:44 pm

Two comments

i think the term "compatible roomates" is an oxymoron, even the roomates (and i've had plenty of them) that I thought were working out well always ended up screwing me in some way, the last roomate i had let her dog and cats shit all over the living room because she was too lazy to clean out the litterbox or let the dog outside so instead of picking it up she would put a napkin over it, she would go into my room and leave the door open for the dog to shit on my bed, and this was the least irritating thing she did, then she would leave me notes that said i needed to learn to shut cabinet doors, if you plan on continuing to have roomates this is what you have to look forword to, my advice? get a cheap studio, even if its a piece of shit it beats dealing with insane people.
Tuesday 28 December 2004 at 11:44 pm
thanks, sarah. i'll definitely keep that in mind...
Tuesday 28 December 2004 at 11:44 pm


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