shit what has been going on. I don't know. Life is good. here is a breif overview of it.

i have been following the Myan callender. It is really awesome. what i pay attention to now is that there are 13 day periods called "wave spells" These increase in "tonality" as time passes. they start very singular and iventually become galactic. the callender is much about affirmations of what is. Right now we are in the sun wave spell which is the I am. so i have been thinking much about who I am. I am guessing that many of you out there have too, you know because this stuff really works...I mean...the Mayan, come on. I have a show on public access now. It is called Lets Watch Some Videogames. I don't know when the first episode will are, but if you are interested i will show you a sneek peek, like to a test audience, except i wont change it based on you opinions, Sorry.

i also want to start a thing on this website where i talk about the recent movies i have seen. so to start here is this weeks:

Tompopo: this is a japaneese movie about a trucker who teaches this lady how to make good noodles and have a good noodle shop. the movie is really about enjoying food. We should savor our food more you know. There is also some rad sex scenes with this gangster and a hot broad who, Love Food. They do some sexy stuff with food. Thumbs up.

A River Runs Through It: I know it is cheesy but it was a good movie here is something i wrote after watching it. "I just watched A River Runs Through It. It is a sad movie. It should not be sad but it is. All through it there are undertones of sadness. The characters shine through that much. They are great people, but a sadness resides in them. I question why this is but maybe I should not question it, and instead accept it, allow an understanding to develop in me. At the end of the movie Brad Pitt dies. This brings the sadness to the surface where it can not be ignored. It is sad not because he died but because in some way he choose to. He would not accept the world as something that was not his fantasy. That was not the space where he was shadow fishing. Where he no longer existed. But the world is not this fantasy. It is many things. And when this character died, the rest of the characters were left with only a memory of that fantasy. Of Brad PittÂ’s characterÂ…his true character. He was their light, he brightened them. And when he died they were forced to replace that light, or feel this sadness more strongly. He could not be replaced. An emptyness remained.
I wonder if I will learn to find my own light or dwell in sadness. I wonder how I will view my past. I wonder if this sadness of mine is something I will hold onto for very long. Or will I naturally flow on to other things. I must say now that there is a beauty in sadness. Sometimes I am to afraid of the pain involved to observe that beauty. "

Triumph of the Will: this is a movie made by the natzies during ww2. it is a propaganda film. I have watched half of it. Fucked up shit. reminds me of the media in our country.

Well goodnight pollywogs, I am going to bed.

In my life i've loved them all.


Wednesday 15 September 2004 at 9:35 pm

Three comments

sweet jesus raby, you make me laughsmile.
Wednesday 15 September 2004 at 9:35 pm
Wednesday 15 September 2004 at 9:35 pm
so do you think what they say is true, december 12, 2012, "As it is above in consisness, so shall it be below in matter.",or something else?
Wednesday 15 September 2004 at 9:35 pm


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