Curves, forks, hooks and rolls.
What variety of tree is this?
Light green leaves,
Light colored bark, almost white, and shedding in patches.
Fresh green and white skin lie beneath.
A trunk that ripples and curves like
It formed as would lava, thick in some places, thin in others.
Slowly cooling and hardening on its decent down
To the earth.
While we know the process worked in the opposite direction.

The branches tell of this tree’s free spirit.
One zigzags
Another spirals like a jet in a barrel roll.
This spiral seems to be a regular occurrence, it is even slightly present in the trunk.
Off of one branch another shoots strait up.
Five smaller sub-branches extend around it perpendicularly until,
The branch forks into two, which go off in their own directions.
Walking around the tree I realize it has only four scaffolding branches.
Two of them could be tops to the tree.
Here too it decided to split,
no leader has been chosen.
The only thing prominent here is a question.
Where the tree will grow next

This tree, like all trees, is a life.
Observable to all are the choices it has made,
In the paths it has traveled and what it is today.
This tree is wild and unusual.
It differs from the crowd,
It differs from itself!
But when we step back and look
It is still a whole.
It is all one, dissimilar body.
Maybe this is a parable for life?
Maybe it is a Tree?
I am going to climb it now.

The Tree of Life


Thursday 01 July 2004 at 1:48 pm

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