i'm joining because... i want to. i joined the national guard, mostly because i get to do things other than just war with that branch. forest fires, floods, earthquakes, i get to go help with that stuff too. and it doesn't hurt that they are helping pay for my (very expensive) school, either. really, i want to help, and this is a way for me to do it.
you have your opinions, i have mine, and i don't really see the need for them to line up perfectly. so long as you feel good about what you believe, and i feel good about what i believe, that's all that matters. i'm not here to impose my ideas on anyone; i'm just being me the best way i know how, and i'm really very sorry if that bothers people. i try to respect other people's opinions and beliefs and i really would hope that other people would respect mine. i will never tell someone what they should and shouldn't believe, even if i may disagree with it. that's part of what being an adult is: having the ability to be open-minded to new or different ideas and not flying off the handle at the hint of an oposing opinion. i try very hard to practice what i preach, if you will, and if you ask people around me they will tell you this is true.
please don't think i'm being an asshole for writing out this explanation; it is not my intention to stand on a soapbox and preach about acceptance. but i know that this is something i've wanted to say for a long time, not necessarily on endysis, but just in general. i hope you can understand what i'm saying, or at least give it consideration.


the military


Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm

Seven comments

I totally agree with you. I also think you can do something good for this world, in the military, I wish you luck.
Jon R
Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm
thank you. very much.
Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm
good luck on your travels, I think that you should give that speech on the first day of bootcamp. That would be awesome. I would have more faith in the military if I knew more people like you who join. I will miss your posts.
Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm
if you are going to stand on a soapbox and preach, i reccomend you get 2 of them, you are kinda short.

just sayin.
Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm
thanks, phil. i'll keep that in mind.
Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm
I've heard the national guards have more fun
Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm
rock n roll
lord bearded
Tuesday 04 May 2004 at 9:52 pm


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