i tried to explain to my mom tonight what i mean when i say something is wrong with me. i'm broken and i don't know what will fix me. she asked if maybe i was experiencing "depression". who knows. maybe if you put a name to it, yes. i'm not sure. all i know is, i'm looking back on this year and realizing that i've spent a majority of it with myself.

i feel like i have friends but not friendships. does that make sense? my sister hated her school, but liked the people she went to school with. i like my school but don't feel like i have a place here. academics don't make good friends. do i stick it out? do i try and make it work? do i go home to the place i know and the people i love? or is that quitting?

am i the only one who feels like this?




Saturday 10 April 2004 at 01:37 am

Five comments

i have no friends. i don't mind. don't let it get you down.
Saturday 10 April 2004 at 01:37 am
I feel the same way ....
The Other One
Saturday 10 April 2004 at 01:37 am
hey maybe you sould become your own best friend. Play jokes on yourself. make fun of your self. Punch yourself in the stomach once in a while.
Oh and don't ever talk to your parents about that kind of stuff.
Well there are some words of advice...from some fucking idiot. who talks to himself way too much. in the dark. in his closet. with a blanket and a pillow and a stuffed animal named JoJo.
Jon R
Saturday 10 April 2004 at 01:37 am
i have been in that very same situation. in fact, sometimes i am still there. keep your chin up, little one. we have all been there, and you will gradually get out of it, and be a better person as a result of it. i know that seems harsh, but the sun will definitely rise.

give me a call anytime if you need someone to talk to.
Saturday 10 April 2004 at 01:37 am
yo girl, just call me up, I'm hung like a black horse. or we could just talk over a nice cup of chai tea.
Saturday 10 April 2004 at 01:37 am


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