Well I bought a motorbike. It is a 110cc Honda win, with a clutch and everything. I am free, I can go where I want when I want. Fuck it is a good feeling. I left Saigon and got lost pretty fast. Then I realized it didn’t matter where I ended up so I just drove, and wound up where I wanted to go. I was sunburned and on the beach, with an almost full moon in the sky.  But I didn’t feel very welcomed to the town so I left the next day. 

Then another beach town, Mue Ni. It’s was very beautiful there and I went for a night swim with a full moon over my head which felt so powerful. But also a tourist city, full of resorts and Russians and other white folk. I stayed 2 days.

 It is a mixed bag, in tourist cities Vietnamese speak English a little, so it’s easier to communicate, and I meet people easier, mostly other tourists but that is ok. But I also want to be in smaller cities with people who don’t deal with white folks such as myself using them on a daily basis…and them trying to use me as well.

 Next I headed to a mountain town called Da Lat. But I accidentally stayed in some small town that seemed like they must grow drugs up there and do some mineing. The former probably isn’t true though, just regular farms. Then today I came another 36 km to Dalat it’s very nice here. I went to a crazy house (titled just that, Hang Nga Crazy House) it was like fantasy meets nightmare meets nature meets Gaudi. There is a nice lake, lots of green, and still a city. I could probably stay here a while but if I go back to the beach I think I can meet up with some other folks I met and bike with them for a bit. 

There are 2 main roads that go north, one in the mountains, one on the beach. I want the mountains of course but there are places on the beach I want to hit, about mid country. Also I’m not positive my bike sounds right, so maybe mountains is too soon. Going to Dalat was dirt roads up a bumpy mountain. There are some rattles that I need to have looked at. And I’m lonely, so company would be great, and I can learn from these guys. Some things are easier to learn on your own and some are easier in groups.

It makes me feel alive being out here. I am drinking a little less, Iv only gotten wasted a few times, I’m loosing weight, and my brain and heart feel good.  

Also in Saigon I went on a date with a wonderful vietnamese girl. Everyone who saw us assumed she was a prostitute, which sucked, for her especially but she blew it off well, and when we got to where there were no white people, most people relaxed a bit and let us be. I gave her a kiss on the cheek goodnight. It was a very nice date.

On a bad/good note my mom’s house burned down and she could have been killed. But thankfully no one was seriously injured, and she is not hurt at all. She was not in her bed that the water heater exploded into! Thank god. Send her positive energy please. 

Love you guys.

Country roads take me home, To the place I belong,


Monday 09 April 2012 at 04:57 am

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