I know I was supposed to finish my post about coachella, but I stopped caring about it and I'm not even sure if anyone reads this site anymore so....

I feel lonely. I need to hang out with someone normal for a change. Where are all of the smart/pretty/friendly/fun chicks hang out in LA anyways?!?! Fuck man. Luckily this chick named Raven Riley has been rocking my world lately.

I found out this last weekend that my ex (aurelia) who i was still talking to a few times a week has a new bf. This effected me a lot more than i thought it would and that I think it should. It's just weird to be replaced. She hasn't bothered trying to get ahold of me since. Oh well.

I cut my hair today. It was getting pretty long but I had to just plain face the fact that my hair can't do what it used to when it was long. I'm losing hair at an alarming rate. Every day I take a shower, my tub drain clogs from all of the hair that comes off my head. I had to do the "grab a wad of hair from the shower drain so it will drain" thing daily. So instead of looking like shit all of the time because I'm biologically pre-disposed to doing so, I gave myself a haircut, and now I look like shit on my own terms. I gave myself a Flat Top/Mullet. So now maybe I can score some chicks without being paranoid whether or not they are actually a woman.

I bought a brand new 3000 dollar macbook pro and Final cut Studio 2 (750 dollars). I got photoshop and have been making useless timewasters. sledgbrainerd.deviantart.com

I got new glasses with transitions lenses. I am not too sure if I like them though.

I miss having people that enjoy getting together and having a night of fun. Rocking it all night. I just need a night like that every once in a while and it would be nice if there was someone who did that with me.

I finished the rough cut of my thesis film. It gets critiqued at a progress screening on tuesday. I don't even know if its good or bad anymore. I'm leaning towards bad.

I'm workin on learning some new tunes for karaoke: My Destiny by Paul Anka and I'm 18 by Alice Cooper, if I could actually sing I would do Baby Be Mine by Micheal Jackson

I hooked up with a german girl a month or so ago and I spent the whole next day with her and took her to the airport and I'm never going to see her again. Me, her, her friend, and Zachy Wispaz went to the griffith park observatory. It was beautiful and we could see all of LA. About a week later all of Griffith Park burned down.

Hangover. 2 Hours sleep. The same clothes as last night. Sweaty Hike. Romance.

Wispy puttin out the vibe.

I think we are laughing because Wispy is hogging the camera.

Anyone in LA need someone to go to the Daft Punk show on the 21st with? Cuz I do...

I have developed an unhealthy habit of having Fiona Apple sing me to sleep. It's gonna be awkward if I ever bring a chick home.

This makes me laugh:

Good Day, Mr. Kubrick

Posted Oct 26, 2006

Juilliard-trained thespian Brian Atene auditions for Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket.



Monday 11 June 2007 at 02:14 am

Four comments

Monday 11 June 2007 at 02:14 am
For the record, you are one of my favourite people ever.
Monday 11 June 2007 at 02:14 am
Griffith observatory used to be one of my favorite places. Amazing place to look out at the sprawl and separation of pollution in the atmosphere. It's also cool because it's where the Rocketeer has a showdown with the LA police and Valentine's gang.
Monday 11 June 2007 at 02:14 am
it burned down! WTF!! thats lame...
Monday 11 June 2007 at 02:14 am


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