Well well, where to begin… I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who has been a little behind in updating. I really have been meaning to update since about Thanksgiving, but obviously that didn’t happen….

Turkey Day was great. The Boy came home with me, met the family, won my mom over with the pumpkin pie he baked the night before and then brought to her, won my dad over with non-stop talk about different gardening techniques*, won my brother over with his computer talk, and my other brother latched onto the music topic. My friends loved him, my friends’ boyfriends loved him, my friends’ families loved him… Everywhere we went I lost him to other people. Case in point: when we went up to see Sarah and her family we walk into the house and within 90 seconds he was sitting at the table with Sarah’s dad, beers in hand, discussing orchards. In all actuality, I probably didn’t spend that much time with him over the weekend, he was so occupied by everyone else.

*Odd moment with The Boy and my dad: he’s reading this gardening book, and my dad say it and asked about it, and as he started looking at it, my dad ran over to the bookshelf to grab the original first edition of the same book (The Boy has like the seventh edition or something). Then they had to compare the differences, the updates, Brian had to ask my dad what things about the old one he did or didn’t like… and all the while I’m trying to get him out the door to go meet the girls for dinner. I finally just stopped and realized that my dad and my boyfriend are frighteningly similar. Scary…

I made the move out of Orenco and into NE. We’re talking industrial NE, off Columbia, by the train tracks. I’m way out, but not as way out as I was in Hillsboro. Thank God I don’t have to drive Hwy 26 everyday now. It was killing me. And the fact that I’m closer to The Boy is nice as well.

Tonight we (the Boy, his roommates, their girls, me) are making cookies, building a gingerbread house, and watching Christmas movies. I’m pretty excited about it. Then tomorrow we’re off to Hood River to meet his mom and spend the weekend with her. I’ve talked to her a few times on the phone, and she seems like a very nice lady. Brian says I’m a lot like her. I’m hoping that’s a good thing…

Life really isn’t too terribly exciting right now, but it’s very good. I love The Boy, he loves me, I love my job, I love my house… Maybe it’s just the fact that it’s the holidays and, in my mind, it’s the best time of the year. “The most wonderful time,” if you will.

I’m off to do more work before I head out of the office and start baking like a fool. I hope everyone is doing as well as I am. That’s really all I want for Christmas this year: to be happy and content. How disgustingly cheery am I?


Que cosa!


Friday 15 December 2006 at 1:32 pm

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